Assemblage & Collage


Jimmy Baker
Arrangement 17, 2017
oil, aerosol and digital print on canvas over panel
22 x 22"
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John Evans
June 20, 1980, 1980
mixed media on paper
11 x 8.5"
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Kara Maria
Riot, 2014
acrylic and collage on paper
12.75 x 16 x 1.5" framed
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Eunice Parsons
Sam Ho's, 2016
15 x 15" framed
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Michelle Ross
The thin thin air (MM), 2010/2018
oil, graphite, flashe, organza, polyester and paper
12.5 x 10"
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Pat Boas
Untitled (AM2), 2018
archival digital print
16.5 x 13.5" frame
Edition of 3
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Ann Hamilton
Page 1, 2017
cloth and paper collage
12.5 x 9.5" framed
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Vik Muniz
Handmade: Tears (horizontal), 2017
collage of strips of archival inkjet print, unique
73.25 x 49.5 x 2.25"
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Charlie Perez-Tlatenchi
RGB (B), 2017
Type-C Print
10 x 10"
Edition of 5
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Michael Scheurer
Untitled #11 (California Series), 2014
mixed media collage on paper
19 x 16" framed
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Claire Cowie
Reversed Start Target #2, 2018
Collage on printing felts and various fabrics
60 x 70"
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Lee Kelly
Study for Painting I, 2014
collage on gesso board
11 x 9"
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Melody Owen
My friend is anemone #4184, 2017
5 x 3"
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Brion Nuda Rosch
Head with Legs, 2017
pigment, acrylic, plaster on cardboard on found book page
18.75 x 17.25" framed
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Myrna Tatar
No U Turn Revisited, 2017
polyimide, paper, plastic, fabric and metal
30 x 100 x 2"
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