Shane McAdams | The Teckivy Nazdack


October 5 - 28, 2023

Elizabeth Leach Gallery is pleased to present The Teckivy Nazdacka new exhibition of paintings by Shane McAdams. These new dreamlike landscapes from McAdams are driven by an exploration of space, atmosphere and color. His work pushes the boundaries of what a landscape entails, carefully exploring perspective and sense of place. 

With innovative technique and skill, McAdams handles a range of materials from oil paints and acrylic to glue and enamel. His landscapes pull viewers into a strange new world, one almost familiar and yet oozing with strange distortion, creating a desire to look closer, lean in a little further. As technology and AI continues to tighten its grip on the art world, McAdams strives to create work with a dimensionality and nuance only achieved in the grit of reality. His show title The Teckivy Nazdack gives nod to the common phrase “the tech heavy nasdaq'' which NPR uses as they report stock market results at the end of the day. Such a phrase is one example of how media representation and constant repetition begins to flatten meaning and reaction. The presence that these visceral paintings exude is accomplished through explorations of texture, atmosphere and spatial relationships, creating work which begs to be examined closely and with the naked eyes of our physical world. 

Shane McAdams’ artworks masterfully combine divergent styles to create scenes where illusionistic space intersects with sublime landscapes. McAdams received his MFA from the Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY) in 2004, and his work has been exhibited at the Marlborough Gallery (New York, NY), Pace Wildenstein Gallery (New York, NY) and Caren Golden Fine Art (New York, NY). He has been a regular contributor to The Brooklyn Rail since 2003. 


Sean Healy | Lifer


Pat Boas | Idiom